Bullying: Interview with Gie Deboutte

Every year we dot against bullying. We put the dots on our hands to stop bullying behavior and make sure that no one feels excluded. But the action is just the beginning. What else is possible? What steps can you still take as a school or even as a teacher to ensure that bullying is a thing of the past?

Rinke Vanhoeck spoke about this with Gie Deboutte. Gie is an expert on bullying.

Since 2004, Gie Deboutte has been chairman of the Flemish Network Choose Color against Bullying and advises political authorities, prominent organizations as well as schools and parents in preventing and tackling the (cyber) bullying problem.

He also works for Tenz VZW, where he is a trainer and coordinator of the KiVa program. He is also affiliated with UCCL and KU Leuven. There he participates in various studies on the problem of bullying.

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