soft skills. Do and mind skills to be the teacher you really want to be

soft skills. Do and mind skills to be the teacher you really want to be is a book specially written for teachers by a teacher himself. It offers concrete tools and useful advice that can be applied directly in the classroom.

As a teacher, you have undoubtedly gained some essential findings. An important insight is that as a teacher it is never the intention to 'win' against your students. Instead, it's important to create an environment where everyone can grow and learn. Showing responsibility as a teacher means that you think with the young people about their journey towards developing a sense of responsibility.

We must be aware that, both as a society and as individual teachers, we have high expectations of our students. Our society is demanding and it is our job to prepare students for this. That is why it is very important to approach each student individually, taking into account their individual needs and possibilities.

Another important principle emphasized in the book is that reparation is more important than the punishment itself. Rather than just focusing on punishing negative behavior, it is more constructive to work on repairing the relationship and supporting the student in taking responsibility for his or her actions.

The book also emphasizes that education should always be a conscious choice for every teacher. Education is a continuous learning process in which schools, teams and individual teachers can learn from each other. Sharing interesting ideas and good practices within the education landscape is key to having a positive impact on education as a whole.

The practical situations described in the book serve as a source of inspiration and can be used during intervision meetings. By sharing experiences and learning from each other, schools can use and implement these valuable insights.

Koen Pelleriaux, CEO of GO! education of the Flemish Community, is convinced that this book is a valuable source of inspiration for many schools. It stimulates the sharing of knowledge and practices, enabling the educational landscape to grow and improve.

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