The faithful friend: Theater performance

Theater performance The faithful friend based on the story of the same name by Oscar Wilde,
musical theatre.

The students experience and experience the story by watching it and they are also interactively involved in the performance.

Summary: The old water rat is not a family person. Love will be nice, but I'll stick to friendship, he likes to say. The green flax finch doesn't really believe the water vole. The little bird tells the rat a story about a strange friendship between a rich miller and a poor flower grower named Hans. The miller can talk beautifully, Hans is more of a man of action. Hans will do anything to earn the friendship of the rich miller and maybe, just maybe, he will even get the miller's worn-out wheelbarrow. Is it a story with a moral, the water rat asks, because he doesn't like that at all!

Theme: The loyal friend; brings students into contact with the theme of social justice. The following items are also discussed: equality and inequality, social differentiation and segregation. Musical theater refers to and makes associations with abstract contents: power, society.

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Theater Zazoe