Interdisciplinary project tourism


This tutorial is an interdisciplinary project between geography and Dutch explained. Students a problem tourism, where they gather information about a country outside Europe and about to give to the class. Presentation at the end of the project During the presentations, two teachers are present: the geography teacher provides substantive feedback, while the teacher gives feedback on the Dutch language and form. Concluding organize the students a reception with drinks and snacks from the countries proposed.


Find the teachers to put in function of the later (professional) life is important in ICT: students must learn for example how and where they can consult, using ICT good sources of weak sources and distinguish certain office applications handle. ICT is seen as a tool throughout the project: the electronic learning environment and / or e-mail to communicate, a word processing program to establish a structured paper and PowerPoint to create a clear and attractive presentation.


For this project, you have only a limited number of computers needed because students work in groups. Students find information on the Internet, make it work in a word processing program and prepare their presentation using PowerPoint. You can choose to let the students work out. Several things at home Possibly you offer them the opportunity to work. During breaks or after school at school together


This project requires a minimum knowledge of the Internet (see Resources), a word processor and PowerPoint. Additionally it is possible to give to students, such as the electronic learning environment of the school. Digital feedback In this way, the students also learn how to communicate using ICT. As a teacher it is especially important to connect with students and inform them very well very clear agreements: what you expect from them, what is the timing, how it will be evaluated, ...


The students receive at the start of the project a beam clear information about the command. During the class, geography, the command explained, groups are divided and agreements. There are a number of lessons devoted to the project content: pupils are taught about tourism (geography), on presentation skills and get tips speak (Dutch). The students learn how and where they should consult and gain during class time to work on their presentation sources.
In between the pupils of both teachers support: the geography teacher provides substantive feedback, while the teacher Dutch linguistic workpiece review each web and gives tips for presentation.
Throughout the project works with chips that students keep track of who did what and who has checked. Regular wrists teachers how far the students are with the work and how the cooperation works.
Both teachers are present when the countries are presented to the class: the geography teacher gives points on the content, while the teacher gives points Dutch language and presentation. Afterwards, students complete a self-evaluation.

Experiences and suggestions

The teachers are very positive about the project and highlight the added value of interdisciplinary work. The students spend much time on the workpiece, but also have fun with the cooperation.

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