Robin Foundation: Robin pass

The Robin Foundation helps children in poverty with school costs and goes for all opportunities for every child in education. We have an excellent education system in our country and Robin wants every child to get the most out of this. Robin is building a structural way to make this possible, in which high school costs should not be a barrier for any child. That is why they introduced the Robin pass, among other things.

What is a Robin pass?
The Robin Foundation guarantees that every child with a Robin pass has the necessary school materials at the start of the school year. The foundation helps them to make the invoice payable.

Who is the Robin pass for?
The Robin pass is for children in poverty who are enrolled in a Belgian school. At the moment we only issue the Robinpas for secondary school students. It is the ambition to be able to offer the Robinpas to pupils in primary education in the long term.

How does the Robin pass work?
The Robin Foundation organizes payment plans for children with a Robin-Pas and offers discounts to make school costs affordable for children in the poverty-risk group.

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